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Friday 2 September 2011

More to Holland than cheese, clogs and windmills..........

In less than 12 hours, we'll be safely on the train to Newcastle, bound for the ferry to Ijmuiden in Holland for the start of our first proper bike tour. For the next two weeks we plan to cycle round the Netherlands, anticlockwise, or clockwise depending on which way the the wind's blowing!

We have no fixed plans, but hope to head for Haarlem on our first day. Overnight stops will be at small campsites, Stay-OK hostels or, if we're feeling really in need of a comfy bed, 'Vrienden op de Fiets' B&Bs, where nice people put up cyclists for the night! 

As we're not carrying a small laptop like real pro cycle tourers, You'll have to wait till we get back for a proper blog, unless we can find an internet cafe to spend a bit of time in along the way. If anyone is interested in keeping tabs on where we are or what we're up to, I've added a Twitter-feed to the right of this page, and I'll try and keep this up to date, more to remind myself of what to write about when we get home! You can also follow me @busterskins.......

Al's just asked me who thought up this crazy idea in the first place?

Bon Voyage!! ( I think it's meant to be you that says that! ) ...............

1 comment:

  1. 'Goeie Reis' is more likely to be understood, as the knowledge of French is rather minimal in the Netherlands ;-)

    Nice to hear you're thinking of staying with one or more families of 'Vrienden op de Fiets'
